Pope Farm Conservancy
2019 UPDATE: The sunflowers are back! The Town of Middleton Sunflower Days are July 26th – August 4th, 2019. Learn more here.

A couple of weeks ago, my boyfriend texted me a link to a place called Pope Farm Conservancy. When I clicked on it, I saw a title that read, “Sunflower Days, August 12-20 2017”. Sunflower Days?! No need to read any further, I’m in.
Turns out, Pope Farm Conservancy hosts an annual event where the public can come and witness a nine-acre sunflower field in full bloom. Apparently sunflower season is insanely short so we made plans right away so we wouldn’t miss it.

We made our way around the field; the air was calm and had that early morning summer warmth to it. Only a few other people were milling about so it was pleasantly quiet, just the occasional bird singing nearby. Suddenly the clouds broke and the sunlight streamed through, casting golden light over the sunflowers. Within minutes it disappeared, hiding behind the clouds again, but I was delighted. I had got the shots I wanted!

I honestly don’t think there was a better way that we could have started our morning. Wandering around a sunflower field at sunrise is about as good as it gets! I have a feeling we’ll return again soon.
7440 Old Sauk Rd, Verona, WI 53593
Pope Farm Conservancy is located in southern Wisconsin, about 20 minutes west of Madison.