My 2019 Travel Goals
1. Travel to Upper + Lower Michigan
Besides one camping trip to Pictured Rocks a few years ago, I’ve never actually explored the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Which is crazy, because it’s so close! I have a bunch of places that I’d like to check out, including Mackinac Island and some places along the western coast of the Lower Peninsula.
2. Explore Minnesota
My parents are from northern Minnesota originally and we still have quite a few friends and family up there. So usually, we visit a few times each year. For 2019, I’d like to document those trips a little better so that I can share some more Minnesota content on the blog! I’d also love to make another trip to the North Shore in the summer or fall.
3. Get inspired at a travel conference
I’ve always wanted to attend a travel conference to get inspired, meet new people, and learn some new things. I feel like this would be an awesome experience to invest in!
4. Start planning a big trip for 2020
Even though going on a big trip might not be in the works for 2019, I’d like to start planning one for 2020. A few places at the top of my list are Norway, Canada, Finland, and Alaska.
What are some of your travel goals for this year? Comment below!